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Forest Green Rovers

Nijhuis Saur Industries

At Nijhuis Saur Industries, we are committed to #MissionWater which focuses on sustainable and innovative approaches to helping everyone save water and minimise their environmental impact, and to ultimately give water the value it deserves. So, a partnership with the world’s most sustainable football club is a perfect fit! 

NSI are providing restrooms and urine treatment facilities for the Away Fan Zone at New Lawn. The treatment will use NSI’s space mission-inspired Closed Loop technology to convert fans’ urine into clean water and a concentrated fertiliser product, both of which can be used to keep the pitch in top condition. 

Find out more:

Website: https://www.nijhuisindustries.com/

LinkedIn: @NijhuisSaurIndustries

Twitter: @NijhuisInd

End Stop

Nijhuis Saur Industries
Rovers partner with Nijhuis Saur Industries
NSI will provide restrooms and urine treatment facilities for the Away Fan Zone.

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