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Forest Green Rovers

Vacancy: Professional Player to Coach Scheme

July 15th 2021FGR Media

Forest Green Rovers have an exciting opportunity available for a highly motivated individual to undertake a 23-month placement as part of the Professional Player to Coach Scheme.

The Professional Player to Coach Scheme is a positive action initiative, informed by provisions established in the Equality Act 2010, to support the strategic aim of building an inclusive and diverse professional coaching workforce.

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FGR in partnership with the Premier League, PFAC and EFL aim to identify a high potential coach to undergo a work experience and development opportunity, so that after the Scheme, they become highly employable within the professional game. Simultaneously, the Premier League, PFAC and EFL want to be able to recognise and support Clubs involved in the Scheme as Inclusion and Diversity role models. 

The Professional Player to Coach Scheme will provide a 23-month rotational work experience and development programme for the successful candidate. The Club will act as the ‘base’ of the placement programme and the individual will experience a variety of football functions within the Academy and Club in order to broaden their learning experience.

Full description:

Academy PPCS Advert(PDF)

Please submit your application by 5pm on Friday 30th July 2021.

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