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Forest Green Rovers

Rubies in the Rubble continue partnership

Our official condiment partner

October 16th 2023FGR Media

We’re delighted to announce that Rubies in the Rubble are continuing as our official condiment partner.

Rubies in the Rubble’s condiments are back at The New Lawn for another season for fans to enjoy from the terraces or our hospitality areas. 

From July 2021 to May 2023, Rubies in the Rubble provided us with a whopping 715kg of condiments. Rubies in theRubble’s ketchup and relishes are made with fresh fruit and vegetables, while their mayos are made with aquafaba, a plant-based alternative to eggs that is usually thrown away.  

By partnering up with Rubies in the Rubble last season, we saved 1436kg of food from being wasted, which equates to 9,531 pieces of fruit and veg. We also saved 883kg C02e from going to waste.

On continuing the partnership, Rubies in the Rubble said: "We are incredibly proud and excited to continue our partnership with The New Lawn and Forest Green Rovers. Since 2012, we've turned surplus produce into delicious, great taste award winning condiments, making a meaningful impact on food waste and environmental sustainability. Our commitment to using fresh, rescued ingredients has allowed us to save thousands of fruits and vegetables, and we're thrilled to work together again in 2024."

You can find out more about Rubies in the Rubble by visiting their website, https://rubiesintherubble.com

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