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Forest Green Rovers

Rovers partner with Nijhuis Saur Industries

June 8th 2022FGR Media

We’re delighted to announce a brand-new partnership with Nijhuis Saur Industries (NSI) ahead of the 2022/23 season.

NSI will provide restrooms and urine treatment facilities for the Away Fan Zone at The New Lawn.

Their space mission-inspired closed loop technology will convert fans’ urine into clean water and a concentrated fertiliser product, both of which can be used to keep the pitch in top condition.

The award-winning modular units will treat wastewater from the urinals through on-site physical treatment. The modules also have the potential for further treatment options of wastewater from the toilets and handwashing facilities to produce compost and flush water.

“The concept behind the system is space-based technology, where three separate wastewater streams – grey, yellow and black from handwashing, urinals and toilets respectively – are converted into flush water, irrigation water, fertiliser, and compost,” Ian Stentiford, Regional Director of NSI UK & Eire explained.

“The modules can also be configured to produce biogas and electricity. The result is a system that closes the loop between water treatment and water supply, to provide three of the basic necessities for life: water, food, and good sanitation.”

Henry Staelens, CEO, FGR, said: “The Away Fan Zone is a major focus for us over the summer as we head towards League One, where we will see a sizeable increase of fans at The New Lawn - we’re very pleased to have Nijhuis on board as part of that".

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