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Forest Green Rovers

Player profile: Zoe Boyd

September 21st 2022James Williams

This season we’ll be hearing from all of the stars from the FGR Womens team and giving you an insight into the person, as well as the player, you see every Sunday.

First up is Zoe Boyd, our pacy attacker who talks about her most memorable game in an FGR shirt, away days and her teammate Nynka Rucker.

Name, age and position?

Zoe Boyd, 17, Winger.

How did you get into football and where did your football journey begin?

My friend got me into one of my local clubs, Wotton Rovers at under 7’s (There were only two girls playing at the time).

Who was your footballing idol growing up?

Lianne Sanderson .

What is your most memorable game in an FGR shirt and why?

Definitely the friendly last season against Bristol Rovers at their stadium as I scored the first goal.

Thoughts on the Lionesses success in the summer and its impact on yourself and the FGR Women?

I’ve been following their journey ever since I had a phone. It’s been such a long time coming as well for showcasing excellent women’s football. Hopefully it will bring new fans down to watch us win the league.

Have you played for any other clubs before FGR Women?

Wales under 15’s camps, Bristol City and Gloucestershire County.

Which do you prefer, a Home or Away day and why?

Love an away day and the travelling. The atmosphere on the bus on the way to the games makes a massive difference.

Thoughts on playing at The New Lawn in a few weeks time?

It’s a massive honour following in the success of the men.

Goal or last ditch tackle?

Last ditch tackle…ALWAYS.

Favourite part of a matchday?

Seeing Nynka (Rucker) scoring the winner.

What are your aspirations and goals for this season?

To score more goals than Nynka (Rucker).

Give one piece of advice to the young FGR Women supporters?

Keep going at it. At the moment the game has the most funding it’s ever had so it’s a great time to get involved. Make sure you enjoy it and make the most of it.

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