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Forest Green Rovers

Order Manifesto now!

Manifesto is available to buy from the Club Shop

February 27th 2023FGR Media

The paperback version of Manifesto - the book from Forest Green Rovers Chairman Dale Vince - is now available to purchase from the FGR Club Shop.

It’s part biography and part blueprint for the future of the planet.  The book takes lessons learnt from life on the road as a traveller and experiences from a quarter of a century as the boss of Ecotricity to create his plan to save the planet – his own manifesto.

The paperback version has new chapters from Dale on the multiple crises we face, the dog days on free market dogma and the emerging crisis of Capitalism. He writes about the false economy of an unbalanced tax system and how changing that, is one of the keys to a greener Britain.

The book is available from the FGR Club Shop for the special price of £4.99 - with all proceeds donated to environmental causes.

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