Forest Green is joining clubs around the country taking part in Green Football’s Great Save.
Green Football’s Great Save is the world’s biggest climate-football campaign, which rallies the entire football community - fans, players, pundits, clubs, leagues, grassroots teams and schools - to take action to tackle climate change and protect the future of the game. It runs from 11th March - 2nd April.
All information on all the activities and how to get involved can be found at using this link.
This year is all about keeping sports kit in play for longer - whether by donating, selling, reusing or upcycling - helping to reduce waste, save money, and support those in the community who may otherwise lack access to kit.
Fans, players, and partners will all be encouraged to donate unwanted boots, and shirts in exchange for free north stand tickets here at Forest Green.
Our designated fixtures are Saturday, 15 March v Southend United, and Saturday, 29 March v Solihull Moors - with donation points in the Fanzone at both home fixtures.
Donation points will be in the form of large bins in the Fanzone with the tickets also handed out in this area.
Forest Green is encouraging fans to join them in the fight against climate change. You can help Rovers win the Green Football cup by taking climate-friendly actions, and making green pledges, such as donating unwanted sports kit, travelling greener, eating more veg and saving energy.
By taking part, fans can win prizes including free Sky Sports subscriptions and match day tickets.
Climate change is threatening the future of football, with the FA estimating that 120,000 grassroots games are cancelled per year due to pitch flooding. By 2050, one in four English football clubs can expect partial or total stadium flooding each year.
Every year, an estimated 100,000 tonnes of sportswear ends up in UK landfills, which is the equivalent to 951 football shirts every minute—or 500 million per year. Landfills produce large amounts of methane - one of the most toxic greenhouse gases - which fuels climate change.
Keeping kit in play for just nine more months could reduce its carbon, water, and waste footprint by up to 30%.
Dane Vince, CEO of Forest Green Rovers commented on why this is so important.
"On Saturday, we're encouraging fans, players, and partners to donate their unwanted boots and kits at the stadium. It's a simple way to help reduce waste and give back to the community, as donated boots and kits will be redistributed to those in need. Too often, perfectly good boots end up in landfills when they could be put to good use.
“Fans can get involved throughout March by donating a pair of usable boots or an old shirt in exchange for a free North Stand ticket to either the 15th or 29th March fixtures.
“There are also additional support initiatives in the community including kit donation & swap at the community centre, led by club ambassadors and Christopher Kelly, as well as Free Tickets for local youth football groups.”