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Forest Green Rovers

Forest Green Rovers confirm player releases

June 15th 2020Noah Dougherty

As the 19/20 season draws officially to an early close, Forest Green Rovers can this afternoon announce its player releases.

The following players remain under contract: Aaron Collins, Adam Smith, Carl Winchester, Dominic Bernard, Ebou Adams, Josh March, Lewis Thomas, Liam Kitching, Matty Stevens, Shawn McCoulsky and Udoka Godwin-Malife.   Joseph Mills, Chris Stokes and Nathan McGinley have all been offered new contracts.   Vaughn Covil and Harvey Bunker from the FGR Academy have both been promoted to the first team squad.   Dayle Grubb, Elliott Frear, Farrend Rawson, George Williams, Junior Mondal, Kevin Dawson, Liam Shepherd and Matt Mills will all leave The New Lawn at the end of their contracts. We would like to thank them for their contributions to the club.

We also extend our thanks to loan players Conrad Logan, Jack Aitchison, Jevani Brown, Odin Bailey and Rob Hall, who have returned to their parent clubs.

End Stop

Joseph Mills, Chris Stokes and Nathan McGinley have all been offered new contracts.

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