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Forest Green Rovers

EESI continue as longest-standing major partner

Relationship with EESI now into 32nd year

August 15th 2023FGR Media

We are pleased to have extended our partnership with EESI, with the relationship between the two parties now 32-years-strong.

EESI are our official electrical partner and have recently assisted with the electrics in our refurbished Black & White Lounge. They've also recently serviced and maintained all emergency lighting throughout The New Lawn and serviced all air con units at the stadium.


The Stonehouse-based business have worked on countless projects for us here at FGR, including working on the construction of our home, The New Lawn, in 2005/2006.

Marcus Reynolds, CEO at Forest Green, said: “The ongoing partnership with EESI is a great fit for Forest Green Rovers. Not only are they local, they also have a genuine passion for the community and the club. As the ambitions of Forest Green Rovers continue to grow, having EESI alongside us to maintain The New Lawn and plan for Eco Park will be critical.”

You can find out more about EESI by visiting their website, here. 

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