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Forest Green Rovers

Get Involved

Not only are we the world’s greenest football club, we’re also one of the friendliest. Our stadium is great for families and people of all ages and we are welcoming to people with disabilities. Our aim is to make football accessible to everyone. 

By getting people involved in the club and bringing them together on matchdays, we help to create a sense of cohesion and inclusion in the community. We support youth sport to get kids active and give them a common purpose and we have a number of other programmes that reach out to members of the community to help them through tough times.

There are lots of ways for you, your friends and family to get involved.

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The Community Matchday Offer

Are you part of a sports club, school, community or uniformed organisation? If so, why not bring your group to a match at Forest Green Rovers for free.

With our Community Matchday Offer, you can get complimentary tickets to attend a home fixture in our Community Stand. Email community@fgr.co.uk to make arrangements.

We can also arrange a tour of the stadium, a guard of honour and/or hospitality service – just let us know what you’d like. The Community Stand is a covered terrace, but if you need accessible seating just let us know and we’ll do our best to accommodate.

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Holiday soccer camps

For children who enjoy playing football and dream of becoming the next great FGR striker, or make death-defying saves playing in goal for Rovers, our Soccer Camps are just the thing.

FGR Soccer Camps give boys and girls aged five to thirteen the chance to develop their football skills in a fun, safe and engaging environment. The camps are run by our qualified coaches, often joined by our pros and Academy players.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been running the camps online and limited face to face. We are pleased to say that we are able to safely operate at our two regular locations, Archway School in Stroud and Rednock School in Dursley as well as our new site Nailsworth Primary School and FGR. The camps run 9am to 3pm and cost £23 per child per day with a hot lunch provided at Nailsworth Primary School/ FGR, or £20 at Rednock and Archway without food when booked in advance.

We are also working with Gloucestershire County Council and Stroud District Council and our Community partners on opening up holiday provision for pupils in receipt of free school meals during the holidays and we can now offer free places this summer for our FGR Soccer Camps. If you are in receipt of free school meals please contact us directly on community@fgr.co.uk rather than booking online.

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The EFL Kids Cup – U11

Compete in the EFL Kids Cup and you could get the chance to play on the sacred pitch of Wembley Stadium!

Run by the EFL Trust, the Kids Cup is a national six-a-side tournament in which U11 teams represent their schools. It begins with local tournaments organised by the community trusts at each of the 72 Football League clubs. The winner here at FGR will represent the club as they progress to regional finals, where teams will play for the chance to compete at Wembley before the EFL Play-Off Finals at the end of the season. You can find out more information here.

If your school would like to participate, contact community@fgr.co.uk.

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The EFL Girls Cup – U13

Like the EFL Kids Cup, the EFL Girls Cup begins with local six-a-side contests organised by Football League clubs around the country. A competition for U13s, local winners at each club will progress to area and regional finals, with the best teams winning the chance to play at Wembley Stadium before the EFL Trophy Final. More information is available here.

To arrange for your team to compete, contact community@fgr.co.uk.

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FGR Talk Club

No therapists. No couches. No judgement. Talk Club is a talking and listening club for men hosted in a private and safe space on Facebook.

We’ve all experienced some difficult times during the pandemic and FGR has its own Talk Club group where men who follow the club can help each other out by listening to and supporting one another. You can join by following this link.

To find out more about what to expect, visit the Talk Club UK website and watch the video at the bottom of the page – it’s recommended viewing. Our Talk Club captains attend weekly sessions to help improve their mental fitness and have found it to be an incredibly rewarding experience, especially during the lockdown.

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Tackling Loneliness Together

Loneliness is an increasing problem in society, particularly for older people, which hasn’t been helped by the lockdowns. We’re doing something about it with our Tackling Loneliness Together programme.

If you feel isolated, lonely and miss being part of the local community or know someone who does, maybe we can help. Tackling Loneliness Together aims to connect people in Nailsworth, Stroud and nearby areas through a mixture of phone calls, online events, activities, physical resources and socially distanced ‘garden gate’ visits.

To sign up, simply complete this form. (If you’re filling it in on behalf of someone else, please make sure you get their permission first.)

Tackling Loneliness Together is an initiative by FGR Community, the EFL Trust and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

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Intergenerational Days

Our hugely popular intergenerational days give local school pupils, people with disabilities, FGR Academy scholars and local community groups the chance to chat, mix and enjoy a freshly cooked vegan meal at FGR.

The food is cooked by Year 10 and 11 hospitality students from local secondary schools. They come to the club for a training day with our head chef, and also take an Eco Tour of the stadium to learn more about sustainability. Then they return to the club to cook a meal, catering for community groups and our Academy players for a social lunch.

These events are an excellent way for people from different generations to gain new perspectives and make new friends. If you’d like to take part send an email to community@fgr.co.uk.

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Candriam Kids Fund

Collaborating with our sponsors at Candrium, the CKF activities are focused on making a difference to the lives of young people in the local community.

This includes affordable holiday programmes that keep kids active, projects tackling food inequality, connecting with young people through our activities such as our Ambassadors and Alumni schemes and working in schools to support wellbeing, promote sustainability and inspire young minds. The Tackling County Lines programme, detailed below is a good example of what CKF is doing.

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Tackling County Lines

Forest Green Rovers and our community partner Candriam Kids’ Fund have launched a new programme to help protect young people in our region who may be at risk of being groomed and recruited by so-called county lines drugs networks.

Read our PDF with advice on what to do if you think someone you know is at risk.


FGR Community and the club have teamed up with the Resilience Programme to raise awareness of the risks facing young people through online and social media campaigns, as well as in local schools and colleges across Gloucestershire. We will also be training staff and volunteers involved in Resilience’s extensive community programmes to help young people and their parents spot the signs that someone may be at risk and get them the support they need.

Also see this report by the National Centre for Gang Research at the University of West London.

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